You asked for it, so in association with Vistek I will be doing 3 workshops at the ProFusion event on Friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th June. The Profusion event is the first of it’s kind in Canada and is all about this convergence we hear so much of!
The Friday workshops are split into two. AM and PM and are really more aimed at the beginner to DSLRs. The first one is geared towards to the photographer moving into video and the afternoon one is for the videographer learning to adapt to DSLR shooting.
Saturday’s workshop is an intermediate workshop where I will go much more in depth into how to get the best out of these cameras. Everything I have learnt in my year using them on everything from personal projects, to commercials, short films and the Lucasfilm movie “Red Tails” This is a full day workshop with a much smaller group so we can be nice and hands on!
More details and booking info is available here
lol I just posted a question on your previous blog about this while you were posting this haha. I was at Vistek Today in Toronto and saw the flier. I will be there.
If you want me to get lots of film-making people out though and since you have no voice and more time than usual please please watch my 1min canon 550D demo reel and leave a comment so i know you did
I think that is a fair trade… right?
Is it worth it for us to come to all 3 sessions at Vistek? or do you cover the same thing everyday??? Please let me know
Nice to hear to that you’ll be in Toronto again. I wasn’t able to attend the meet up last time. I’d like to come see you, but I’ve spent a good six months researching everything HD-DSLR related (including all of your input), and I’m not sure how much I’d get out of your Saturday workshop. Can you be more specific as to what you’ll be covering that day? Also, are you aiming to organize another meet up while you’re in town?
6 months researching.. But how much doing? $75 dollars is nothing for a 3 hour session.
So yes definitely worth it in my opinion… I want to know if all three sessions are worth it because then it adds up.
no need to do all three, maybe just the full day is all you need? you arent a beginner really.
Ok I will do the full day hopefully it will be more hands on than the others. As that is what I need at the moment to push the next step.
Problem is most of my friends and contacts probably would only do the $75 sessions, because they aren’t as hardcore so I would have to go to one on the 18th also… Maybe I will get vistek to discount me if I get enough people out. I will be waiting in earnest for a vimeo comment under my reel to know you watched :). Peace, take care.
I signed up for the full day saturday – we can hang 🙂
Cool will see you there!! I am looking forward to it.
Same here. I’d love to attend, but for $300 I need to know what I’m getting. If it’s just a review of the equipment, etc, then perhaps I can use the money to buy a few books and Philips 5D mark2 DVD… So what are we getting here Philip? Would love to know.
it’s hands on teaching with the gear
OK, fair enough. Is there a cap on the number of people at this workshop? If so, how many people? If not, how hands-on could it be if there’s a group of 40 people following you around?
Thanks Philip. I’d really love to learn from you and look forward to it, I just want to know what I’m signing up for.
Will you ever come to Amsterdam or somewhere nearby? London?
Or do you have sessions only about filming? for example, I have to shoot some video from a helicopter and thought… let’s go to my holy grail because everything you want to know about filming is on here. there must be an article about super steady shot equipment? Or about that little RC helicopter?
I would love to join a workshop about the filming it self!
Thanks a million for your site and all your responses.
What a way to start a Sunday! Great news for sure, I’m going to sign up immediately. Nice that you are partnering up with Vistek too, they’re a great company (Henry’s must be peed off for sure).
Look forward to meeting you too after all the things I’ve learned on your blog.
Sorry, forgot to ask this in my last post but what is the expected size going to be for the beginner sessions on the Friday?
You won’t have to coax people to sign up for this, this will undoubtedly be sold out just from people in Ontario reading Philip’s blog.
I have to say am not sure, not small like the intermediate workshop…as the workshop is more hands on
Thats true.. I was just trying to be helpful. There are a lot of students and teachers who know about Philip from me because I use his examples when people ask me DSLR questions and would get a lot from these seminars. No coaxing involved just some chat.
So far I dont think there is a limit set on his beginner classes…. Correct me if i’m wrong.
No disrespect intended too Francis, I think it came out wrong when I wrote it yesterday.
No worries Philip, I’d still sign up even if there’s 150 people there.
No worries. I found out from profusion that for the full day class, there are only 25 spots and over half of them are sold out already. Not sure about the other classes. BTW I signed up finally 🙂 Cant wait!!!
I was just told the beginner classes are capped at around 70 each…
The full-day session is now completely sold out, so, I’m looking at going to one of the Friday sessions. Wonder which one will be better the Stills->HDSLR one in the morning or the video->HDSLR one in the afternoon. Maybe it really depends on what mood our noble presenter will be in.
Are you more of a morning guy, Phil?
second day added…
Francis: Good to know, 70 isn’t so bad at all, I was expecting something like 200.
Philip’s friend Rodney Charters DoP of 24 will be at profusion
and I just read that Philip will doing another full day seminar on the 17th as well while profusion is being set up haha.
Wonder if I should switch.
Can anyone say Toronto meetup? I think so…
HI Philip
Any chance you’ll be holding an advanced workshop (composition, shooting, and grading as topics) in Toronto around the same time?
afraid they take too long. i want to do a solid 3 day workshop sometime…
A couple of us Northern Ontario shooters are coming down for the Thursday-Friday seminars. It was awesome that you were able to add the Thursday Philip, thanks.
Now to get the dogsled team trained for the long journey to T.O. in June…