Plastic Bullet for the iphone

Magic Bullet Looks as most people know (and can get 20% off at checkout with bloom20) is my favourite plug in for FCP as I love its simple intuitive grading. The guy who created it is Stu Maschwitz otherwise known as @5tu and Mr. Pro Lost.

He has now created Plastic Bullet. It’s not quite Magic Bullet for the iphone, it’s more about emulating plastic cameras like the Diana or cameras like the Lomo where you have no idea what you get till the photo is taken. Each photo is unique. That is what Plastic Bullet is like.

I am a big fan of iphone photography and especially the lo-fi apps like my favourite one Shake it photo, Cross Process and Hipstamatic. I have about 25 photography apps on my iphone and Plastic Bullet takes it’s place proudly in my OS 4.0 iphone photography 1 folder. I love the results, sometimes, but that is the joy. What I normally do is (slightly cheating) take a photo with the normal camera save it then use one of the apps to see what it will do to it.

Check out Stu’s blog on it here. Buy the app here for just $1.99 and click here are some of Stu’s photos with it.

Here is my slideshow of photos taken with my iphone and Plastic Bullet the Charles Bridge in Prague.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Check out Red Giant god Aharon Rabinowitz’s demo video of it below too…

To show you the results you can get. here is a photo I took of my eye and what Plastic Bullet did to the photo. Each time you press refresh on Plastic Bullet you will never get a photo to look the same again, each one is utterly unique.


  1. Thanks for the info Phil. I love Magic Bullet and iPhone photography as well so I just purchased Plastic Bullet and will give it a go.

    How did you get OS 4.0 already? you must be special or something…

  2. One more reason I’m going to buy an iPhone. Can’t wait for the 4th generation one to come out this summer. I love Magic Bullet.

  3. I also love the iShake and CrossProcess apps, you can tell they really made the research. And there are like a million apps for photo fx. So, seeing another app that makes the same doesn’t impress me a lot, since it’s only for photograhphy, even though its from the mBullet team.

    I’ve always wanted an app that emulates old film: Super 8, B&W 8mm. And I’m not talking about Windows-movie-maker-vintage-look-a-like-old-film-filter, like the few I’ve seen, I’m talking about an app with good research on film looks: grain, contrast, saturation, frame and even burns, leaks and wiggle…… THAT would impress me, anyways, love the looks on this app, but, it’s a shame that it can’t be applied for video.

  4. I bought it and love it, but there needs to an option to streamline it more for immediate use if you don’t care about keeping the original or reprocessing. As soon as I start the app I want it to go to the camera live view, and when I take a picture I don’t want it to ask if I want to use that image before it shows me the processed versions. Then I want it to immediately save whichever one I tap rather than first tapping the image and then the heart.

    The iPhone is for quick n dirty on-the-go shooting, so not much time to poke at buttons 😉

  5. I bought it as soon as I saw @5tu’s first Tweet. Great fun, although a little slow on by bog-standard iPhone 3G. You’ll have more fun with it on the 3G-S, or wait for the next-gen iPhone in June.

    Very simple save functions right now: just saves to your photo album. No ability to tweet, FB, share, email from within the app. I’m sure that will come in a future version.

  6. Okay, I just tried Plastic Bullet and I just love it! First of its kind on my iPhone!

    Is there an application for the Mac which does the same job for pictures with higher resolution?

  7. Uh oh, I hope you didn’t just peeve off Apple by talking about a new feature of iPhone OS 4!

    I sure am looking forward to app folders now though. 🙂

    BTW, Philip thanks so much for all the wonderful info on your site. Truly very helpful. Sorry not to get to meet you at NAB All In Poker, maybe next year!

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