Isn’t a newsletter a thing of the past? Well it depends on how you use it. I use my blog, facebook and twitter to share my latest information but it’s easy to miss a tweet or a facebook post and often things are not important enough for a full blog post so this is a nice half way house.
This is certainly not going to be a daily newsletter, I will only write something in it to announce something very cool, to pass on information about events etc, to let you know about special offers on products that I hear about…to announce competitions. You get the idea. I have absolutely no intention of spamming you, I get enough spam as it is. So I will make sure that each newsletter is something that I myself would like to read! You might get a couple one week and none the next. If I have a crazy busy time one week then you could have three! I have no idea right now, I just want to make sure I only send when it is worth it. Of course you can unsubscribe at anytime!
There are a lot of interesting things coming up soon, both on my blog and on the newsletter. I currently have a GH2 to play with and I will be getting an Af-101 from Panasonic next week too…although only for a very short amount of time. So I will do my best to play with it as much as possible.
There is a sign up box on my main page, so please sign up. I will not sell any lists to anyone. This is purely a newsletter list.
Email newsletters are still the most effective form of online promotion and news distribution. Nice to see you have a double opt-in subscription system as well. Looking forward to the first issue!
Can’t wait to see some Af-101 footage philip. Excited about this camera and what you have to say about it…
Will you be posting the same infromation in your newsletter that will be published on your website ? So we can just check the source here.
important stuff will be on blog too!
Sign me up Phil! I am really looking forward to your Af-101 thoughts and review (fingers crossed). I been following this camera for a while and was seriously considering purchasing a 5d Mark 2, until they announced the Af-101. By the way just wondering if I got the 5d mark 2 from the states, would there be any difference? mainly regarding PAL and frame rates, I live in London by the way. Thank you for your time!
PS will sign up now…
Great idea Philip, Signed!
I’m first!!!!;-)
GREAT! I subscribed, thanks a lot for the great support! And check out our Filmmaker meetup in London.
So are we getting a 60D review any time soon or what? C’mon Phil, what’re we paying you for anyway?
i bought one recently. I will be doing a review as soon as i can