Update to Canon EOS E1 plug in available

Thanks to Jon Connor from Canonfilmmakers.com for pointing this out to me. It’s for FInal Cut Pro users only and is the only way I convert my H264 Canon video files to Pro Res these days as it lets me input metadata, operates within Final Cut and more important gives it real timecode created from your time of day in the camera (as long as your clock is set correctly). That feature alone sold me on the EOS E1 plug in.

The new version just release on the Canon Europe website has the following additions, strangely they still have not added support for the T2i but you can easily do that yourself by clicking here.

  • Support for EOS 60D added
  • Shooting information for movies prior to conversion is now displayed in the [Log and Transfer] window.

The following shooting information is displayed:
1) Av (Aperture Value) (*)
2) Tv (Shutter Speed) (*)
3) ISO (*)
4) Lens
5) Focal Length
6) Camera Model Name
7) Camera Serial Number
*: Only displayed for movies captured in M mode (Manual Exposure).

  • Compatible with multi-core CPUs providing faster movie conversion. (The level of improvement may vary depending on the computer environment.)

Supported Models(*2);

  • EOS-1D Mark IV
  • EOS 5D Mark II new firmware (v2.0.3 or later)
  • EOS 5D Mark II old firmware (v1.2.4 or earlier)
  • EOS 7D
  • EOS 60D

Download the upgrade here


  1. Thanks Philip,
    Also possible to find modified file. When find just remplace with original and it’s ready.

    Actually now cs5 faster than fcp no transcode, 64bit and dynamic link etc… I’im waiting FCP update!

  2. The way the E-1 plugin works is simply not developed enough for production.

    I shot more than 6TB in Africa, and with the E1 plugin, it simply wanted to put EVERYTHING in one bin.

    Now, it’s not bad if you make a custom importer ( to say, name the footage better and tell you what camera and date and time etc), but it doesn’t help if you have bad metadata…. (like when you don’t set the date properly on one of the cameras… DAMN !)

    anyhow.. I’d like a way to tell it to organise and specify places to put it..
    I organised it during my trip and then it all gets plonked into one area.. no good.

    Canon !! please fix it… 🙂



  3. Hallo Philip

    I have a problem when I want to import 7d video using this plug-in to FCP. Occasionally it doesn’t import the hole clip and that has been such a big problem for me that I went back to the old way of importing. Do you know anything about this problem?

    Kindly regards Mathias

  4. Has anyone seen the shooting information in the Log and Transfer window? I updated the plugin, shot some new video in M mode and nothing’s showing up…

  5. This must be a stupid question but I’m gonna ask it anyway. I installed the plugin, but I cannot find anything changed in FCP.
    How does this work?

      1. Mr. Bloom, is there any more info on how to use this within the log and transfer window? Do you know if Canon or another party has a tutorial? When I try to bring my files into the log and transfer window, I just get an error message about unsupported media. I’ve been using MPEG Stream Clip until now just fine, but having additional data about the clips would be very useful. Thanks for the great site!

  6. As a T2i user I find this funny. Why no love for us, Canon?

    The T2i hack does work on this update, just tried it and it is fine. If you need to do the fix remember you need to use something like Textwrangler and not Textedit.

  7. The T2i hack does work on this update, just tried it and it is fine. If you need to do the fix remember you need to use something like Textwrangler and not Textedit.

  8. The new plug-in is not showing the new features below:

    The following shooting information is displayed:
    1) Av (Aperture Value) (*)
    2) Tv (Shutter Speed) (*)
    3) ISO (*)
    4) Lens
    5) Focal Length
    6) Camera Model Name
    7) Camera Serial Number
    *: Only displayed for movies captured in M mode (Manual Exposure).

    1. I’m not seeing it either. I was wondering if we need to locate the original plugin (1100) and remove it first, before installing the new one (1110)? So far I haven’t been successful in finding it anywhere on the Mac. If anyone has any thoughts, I’m open…

  9. I`ve had a bug. When importing footage, at some point the preview screen went black (wish sucks because I usualy don`t import the hole clip…) and eventually my final cut crashes… Is there a Way to downgrade to the last version?

  10. Everyone who is looking for the shot info (aperture, shutter, iso, focal length, etc) you need to ctrl+click or right click the info columns at the top and select the info you want to see. Its not on by default.

    Has anyone had success re-transferring footage with this new version that was originally logged with version 1 of the canon e1-plugin? Re-transferring worked in the old version, but the new version seems to have broken it. At least I haven’t been able to re-transfer footage logged with the old version by selecting offline clips in the fcp browser and going to batch capture like I used to. Really frustrating!!

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