This happened almost by accident…I have been shooting for Lucasfilm over in Italy this week and I saw some dramatic skies over the lake, put my Canon on the wall, no tripod and set it to take a photo every two seconds. The skies turned into a storm…I did grab the camera before it got wet but the resulting footage was so dramatic I had to put it together and totally go OTT with it! No dollies, no motorised action, not even a tripod! Enjoy!
Timelapsing to death from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
A beautiful Tuscany/ Umbria timelapse goes HORRIBLY wrong!
No cameras were harmed in the making of this timelapse. This is a work of fiction!
P.S. That ain’t flicker, that’s lightning
Holy shite!!
poor 5D… hahahahahaha
Is it sad that I actually felt like crying?…. I need to not love equipment so much.
That is amazing. I am definitely attempting a time lapse.
Very nice! What were your exposure settings?
gosh, no idea! AV mode…maybe F4
Hey Phil, in a lapse that smooth, how often are you capturing a frame?
that was every two seconds, but also de-flickered in post using Genarts Sapphire. Pricey, very pricey.
Those shafts of light are awesome! =)
great composition, great video
*Irony* This really made me want to make a timelapse *Irony*
Anyways…I loved the timelapse, except from the last part 🙂
Haha nice ending
We will remember her… – it beautifully gathered momentum. One day, her followers will go RAW and waterproof…
The resolution on this HD timelapse is awesome. Looks far better than video footage from the camera – i guess since it originates from large jpgs.
How do you usually sharpen you video for web since your 5D Training video suggests turning the in camera sharpening right down ?
Ever wonder if this was God’s way of saying take a break Philip … you’re working too hard ! 🙂
Ps – any news on the moire issue – it was my pic you used from the Cinema5D forum thread with the multi coloured roof ! Keep up the great work …
Nice timelapse and funny ending, well it was funny after i read it was “fiction” 🙂 Great to read your 5D is ok. I`m getting more and more into timelapse and there`s allways this concern about how to configure the cam. How would you do that if you would like to get a few thunders? Any AV or TV settings?
Lol, i love the build up in the music works really nice.
I shot some lighting in 60p to see how the 7D would cope, although couldn’t quite keep up giving some scatty flicker here and there, didn’t do half as bad as i expected.
I didn’t know you did weather tests of cameras. 🙂
So 7D is the right camera for this job. Please try!
Oh… Beautiful and always surprising Umbria. I was there for a shoot last month, and was also caught in one hell of a thunder storm. A very impressive and awesome experience.
By the way… I took my still camera out to the streets when I had some time off, and shot some pictures of the people there. Check it out if you feel like – who knows, one might find some inspiration 🙂
How do you set the 5D to time lapse mode?
I must be missing something.
Hi Laurent. LOADS of info on this site. Go to education and timelapse.
remember what your setting where? loved the motion!
She went to the great timelapse in the sky – where DSLR’s shoot 2K / HD pro-res + raw video and have phantom xlr inputs + 1080p outputs.
Loved it how the rain / clouds came so rapidly towards the cam !
I dropped my Nikon D70 in a river a few years back.. immediately took the battery out and left it to dry in a airing cabinet for 2 weeks, then low and behold she fired up and was as good as new.. no water marks on the sensor.. nothing.. However she didn’t fare too well when I took her on the tall ship Endeavour, was nowhere to keep her dry.. 🙁
it didn’t really die…
Wot, no speed-of-sound delay? But then I s’pose, sped-up pitch-maintained audio would shrink that delay down to unnoticeable… Anyhow, great on-the-case stuff, most indubitably.
Philip you have to see this HDR video