After a bit of a delay season 2.5 is finally with us. Yes, it’s the return of “CRITICS”!! I hope you enjoy the above episode!
We start filming Season 3 next month, now in a change to my previous blog, we are totally embracing YOU…in a non pervy way that is! Do you want your film/ video/ movie etc to be reviewed by myself and the American fellow? If so then click the image below to submit your own! Good luck!
Like the Skate video. Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Where the Wild Things Are) has been a part of the all the Girl skateboard films. He always brings a little extra bigger budget tricks to the vids. I’m guessing Phantom cam.
I love the UK and US humor together, great show and fun to watch!!
he has no humour!
Sorry missed the form to send the video, please ignore the previous comment.
The video is not even in HD, it was shot with a MiniDV camera and edited in Windows Movie Maker. Not sure if you are interested in that kind of amateur videos, just leave a comment if you feel like it.
Thanks for your time.
I wish he had given the bloke with the Green (London Fog-like) overcoat an umbrella.
YES! The return of the almighty Critics! I love this you two guys are perfect together. That skateboard video was pretty ridiculous. Those guys were getting pretty hammered by the debris; it’s obviously not the safest production in the world, but it was very cool.
Didn’t vibe with the fashion one to be honest, I much prefer Camille Marotte’s work to be honest. If you haven’t seen it you should definitely watch some of it. Beautiful cinematography, he wields that 5D Mark II like no other.
You guys were spot on with that last video critique. Shot well, lit well, sound was fine, but trailer narrative… MIA. Can’t wait for season 3.
Oh fuck I said to be honest and pretty a TAD too much. Phil you need an edit button on here LOL!
To be honest Roman it’s best to leave original posts as they are to be honest as I don’t want to be accused of editing what people say to be honest 😉
Oh I see what you did there… =)
I submitted a Short I shot and edited, Not my best work in either category,
But We shot it in 3 1/2 hours and edited it in about 10 hrs, I hope it gets entered
It is unique and that it is a Silent in B&W with a little CC, and 99% was shot with a shoulder rig and no follow focus. it is also being submitted to a small L.A Film Festival.
I want to hear what the Critics say, I’m sure I’ll get blasted and abused 🙂
Just to add some clarity to “Happy Killers”, this was an “Artistic Endeavor”
and to show that not all shorts need dialog, but only substance and meaning,
But decent “Original” Music Score does help tell your story.
-Darryl Gregory (AKA) Greg
Man, that’s too bad. I’ll just be buying my Mk2 on the due date… But anyway, I love the idea. Very nice of you guys to be doing something like this for the “little guys”.
then submit something shot with your current camera!
ha. The Mk2 is going to be my first. I’m skipping ahead a bit (was gonna start with the 550d), but I’m excited as hell to start with it. (I’ve spent every night for the last few weeks reading, researching, etc.)
I haven’t really shot anything of my own, yet, either. Just favors / paid stuff for friends.
I am officially what normally be referred to as a “noob”.
Also: Haha, Michael Bay directed a skate video.
hi philip, the skateboarding section is from a vid called “fully flared”, ive got it.. love it. opening sequence directed by spike jonze and Cory Weincheque.
heres some info on the cameras used…
… and the making of the intro with Spike Jonze:
nice one kym! 🙂
Thank you for this link – really wanted to see if it was that crazy as it looked – it was! “Nice F***-Off Explosions…” Really insane video, but looks great!
Fun episode, and thats the most epic skateboard video I’ve ever seen haha. Just submitted a couple of stuff I’ve done, hope to get bashed from the critics haha.
I submitted my latest Narrative, The Hard Road. I recut it after the Vimeo/Canon Contest. I never got any judge feedback, and figured if I could get feedback on Critics, that would make my life complete. Entered it in a few festivals as well.
For what it’s worth, it was a product of Steve’s awesome Z-Finder and your superb Canon 7D training video. It was the first thing I shot after watching your video, btw.
Enough brown-nosing, I’ll leave with what pride I have left.
*cough* PLUG *cough*
OK…just one question: Why is it that you can’t buy a bottle-rocket anymore because of the regulation on explosives but a bunch of 14 year old skater punks managed to get high explosives??? WTF?
Nice episode of the CRITICS though!
Uh, just because it’s skateboarding doesn’t mean it’s a bunch of 14 year old kids. You may not know, but Spike Jonze is the director of that clip. Hardly a 14 year old kid.
Uh, I think you missed the point…
I could revise the statement to read “..a bunch of 25 year old skater punks…” but it just makes it seem even more silly and cliche’.
Let me guess…you’re a non 14 year old skateboarder?
Hey! I am a 14 year old skater dood!!!
“OK…just one question: Why is it that you can’t buy a bottle-rocket anymore because of the regulation on explosives but a bunch of 14 year old skater punks managed to get high explosives??? WTF?
Nice episode of the CRITICS though!”
I know you are just being cheeky…and the funniest part is, the majority of the skateboarders in those shots are either in their 30’s or knocking on the doorstep 😉
Thought it was an nice unexpected use of explosives 🙂
Funny episode guys. I think you missed the concept of the last one (The Attic Door). What I got from the trailer was that those kids were left behind (when they were running after the wagon) and probably left for dead with whatever was left in the attic. But I agree with both of you that it wasn’t executed well. I think if they extended the length of the trailer, they could have added a few extras scenes maybe one where you could tell the kids were left behind (like an exterior shot) and then show more of what was the “problem” in the attic.
Fading the music from “There Will Be Blood” style over to something Inception-esque toward the end would audibly create that call to action too. But here I am acting like a back-seat director, I need to get out and finish my work…
Thanks again Philip, good stuff!
I’d pay just to watch the “Out Takes” of this series.
Is this for DSLR films only?
not at all. shot on anything
I submitted Sticks and Stones to be reviewed. Would love to get a break down of stuff I could do better. I also have a once in a lifetime gig coming up that I will post up…interview with 50cent, Eminem and far it looks like its on!! so to get feedback would be great…hopefully I can whoop ass in the next one.