Filmfellas DP edition: The end of Filmfellas

First, thank you for your concerns and calls regarding our cast members and the bizarre events which occurred during the filming of our Season Finale. We wanted to give you updates as they come in, however we have limited information.

Philip Bloom’s whereabouts and condition are unknown at this time and we have not been able to locate any friends for comment. Another cause for concern, Philip has not been heard from on Twitter for the last 20 hours…it’s the longest he has been silent ~ ever. If anyone has any information or have seen any tweets come through on his condition, please leave comments below. have posted our FilmFellas Season Finale video here along with “Where in the World is Philip Bloom” for concerned fans + friends. Please also visit the Filmfellas home page if you have any info. Help us find Phil.

Additionally, Steve Weiss is unavailable for comment and his whereabouts are also unknown. Jens Bogehegn is in critical but very stable condition and is expected to make a full recovery by morning. In the meantime, our Sales Director, Mandy Rogers is now running Zacuto USA as acting President along with the new VP of Social Media, Zacuto Sue.

Due to these unforeseen events, we are sad to announce the ending of our FilmFellas webisodic series. As a farewell to our fans, we will be giving away FilmFellas hats as a parting gift for all your support over this last year. fin
~ Zacuto Sue


  1. It had a beginning, a middle and Steve got his end.

    Interesting to hear the guy who shot on 35mm film say the Panasonic P2 camera had more shadow detail.

    Also amazed to see the guy who shot District 9 has a soft spot for the DVX100 after all this time.

    Panasonic do video well. It shows on the GH1 even through the crappy codec.

    Good stuff.

  2. I think we have to fear the worst!

    Philip was more than a digital filmmaker – he was digital filmmaking! We all should learn our lesson from him and try to shoot only excellent and creative movies from this day on!

    Let us never forget that it was his commitment for filmmaking which led him to his personal Grim Reaper in a “Steve-Weiss-form”. Philip made films until drawing his last breath.

    May he rest in peace in a Top Secret RED-research laboratory below a desert in Nevada or elsewhere, to get a 52K 3D HIGHSPEED RED VDSLR customized only for him…

    We all will badly miss you, Mr. Bloom!


  3. To Quote your killer, This is unnecessary use of violence!

    Loved it, to bad this is already the end of film fellas, watched every episode so far!

  4. Continuity error. Look at 9:34 and see how when Steve fires the pistol it is pointed low down on Phil’s stomach, but the blood appears high up on Phil’s chest. The magic bullet in the JFK assassination pales into insignificance. People always hate watching films with me. Great discussion though.

  5. I’m still in hiding but I’m worried about my buddy Phil, if anyone knows anything about him, please let me know, send me an email:

    I didn’t mean to do it, but all those years of ignoring and fearing violence, I just snapped.

    I have to get off-line now I think my whereabouts are being tracked.


  6. HA!

    Wow, did you guys use CG for the gunfire? Or blanks? Honestly, I think you guys used blanks, cuz at the time of the first shot, you see the softbox that’s hanging over the table being “blown” by the gunshot’s air. Interesting…I would have pegged it all as CG and good SFX…nice!

  7. Hahaha! great ending. Love this kinda chat… encore encore encore … I quite agree with Robert Primes – the Sony EX3 is still a bl**dy amazing bit of kit – and I swear by it’s use as an A camera when shooting alongside Canon HDSLRs… I might flog the Letus – but the EX3 is staying put. Guaranteed GREAT quality shots.

  8. LMAO!!! Steve has delved into the superficial violence he hates… “And you, Bloom. That’s for calling me a pussy!” Who came up with this skit?

  9. Ha!!! The best conversation. I then laughed so hard my arse hurts, I take it Weiss is getting to like violence after all, too much time spent with Bloom?

  10. Hi, can I ask you how you succeed in making black the background? It’s a light trip? Can you link me some resources that learn how to do this?

    Thanks very much and my compliments!


    1. there’s a making-of of the Filmfella’s series (either on the Zacuto site or vimeo) where you can clearly see how the set and lighting is setup.

      the main lighting comes from a light box above the table.

  11. Oh dear. Best film fellas ever. And seriously, even before the end it was very informative, I feel like I learned a lot – great hearing from all these professionals that use different cameras. And yes – the ending was superb lol.

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