Mr Hitler NOT happy about the new Rebel T2i/550D!!

Yes, it had to be done. My third and final “Downfall” parody. This time he is really really unhappy!!

If you are at all sensitive to swear words please do not watch.

and here are my two earlier ones…


  1. Agreed, just had to be done. Hardly even had to write the script yourself this time. Hat’s off to the way you fitted Stalin in though.

    I now feel guilty about not having watched Downfall yet. Its going to be really tough to get everything from the 7D to the iPad out of my head though.

  2. I think the best part of these new canon releases is seeing Mr.” Hilter’s”reaction…..Good fun Phil…

    Having used all the units except the 550 with fast primes They really are all great in their own way. This 55oD looks to continue that genius but on a true budget ( but sorry we all still need great glass to make them shine)

    Foe me I think I will end up with the Red scarlett and 5D mark3 which will presumably have all the 7D features but Full frame.

    Cheers Phil

  3. Best yet. I’d love to video the guys and girls at Canon watching your Hitler videos I bet their reactions are priceless. How about a short using 5dmk2, 7d and 550d? Would anyone be able to spot which shot came from which camera?

  4. I do love these, I do hope Canon are watching them.

    I too loved it when the girls decided to go it alone. Now, someone find the actual girls and make a short parody on the rebel. Oooo, Canon’s new marketing campaign?

  5. Do I look like Harry Potter? Great line, and just loved this. I’m now convinced that the Downfall parodies will never end. In fact they’re becoming a genre in their own right. And the 550D? Yes, I’m going for it, and probably two, too.

  6. That was freaking BRILLIANT!! I had to stop half way thru from laughing so hard and settle myself down. Easily the best of the three. And I love how you kind of break the 4th wall by having Hitler acknowledge he’s in a Downfall parody, encouraging the rest of us to watch the real film. I’m going to add it to my Netflix queue. Although, I don’t see how I can watch this scene now and not think of your brilliant trifecta.

    The only thing is, isn’t “Sod it” a British term?

  7. Hello!

    I see it’s been taken off youtube. Could you please re-upload it to Vimeo, or could you possibly email or link me to a copy? It is really too, too funny for me to be without a copy, I’d be eternally grateful, and, obviously, won’t do anything naughty with it.



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