Whilst here in Chicago my so called friends Jon Connor and Cristina Valdivieso tricked me into doing something which I thought was a video behind the scenes guide on how to shoot timelapse…they lied.
Below is the result. Read more on their website CanonFilmmakers.com. I don’t like them anymore!
Intervention from Cristina Valdivieso + Jon Connor on Vimeo.
For more info check out www.canonfilmmakers.com
That was fantastic, I chuckled a lot at the blinking part.
Seriously though, he does need help.
I always thought there was something strange about you Philip! Now I see you are REALLY enjoying Chicago
haha so hilarious !
That’s so funny!! Love Phillip’s timelapses! keep on the good work!
I think I’m coming down with this…. ive tried a dust time lapse…doesn’t really work…. girlfriend keeps dusting…..
Perfect nerdy question: what was this shot with?
Shot on the 7d 🙂
So funny, I’m crying!!!
What a great way to start the morning. That was hilarious. I don’t know how you all kept a straight face. Cristina and John did a great job with that one.
Haha that was brilliant! Loved the point you made about calling your username or company ‘somethingfilms’ when you shoot video haha! Truely great short film… sorry video! If only more D.P.’s and Directors would do more stuff like this about themselves etc 🙂
That was good stuff. “Phillip got kicked out of rehab because of blinking his eyes repeatedly to emulate timelapse” Best line I’ve heard in a while.
Terribly amusing. I laughed, I cried, it became part of me. Great editing and even good “acting” by Phil. I know it wasn’t much of a stretch, but DeNero always plays DeNero, right?
I love it! Never stop.
LOL… I don’t know else to say without possibly offending you. Still, in some strange way, I respect your dedication and passion. Lapse-on my friend!
LOL-aftershock…. “time-lapse or wallpaper….and a time-lapse of a time-lapse”… that’s pretty much when I knew we’d likely get along. Cheers. LOL
sorry, I meant to say “timelapse of wallpaper…” nor “…or wallpaper”
hahhahah, the intervention part is the best. I like how it took Tom Guilmette to realize he had a problem. Really well cut Jon, the hoboken line was great.
That was hilarious. sharing w/ everyone. thanks phil
It’s great to see the other side/s to filmmakers. Really enjoyed it.
That clicking sound Lol This made my day
Very funny…well done. Just in time for Oscar season.
Just when I thought that nothing good or funny could happen on a Monday. That was $
“What did you do before timelapse? I filmed in real-time and then sped it up.” Priceless.
Hahaha very funny!
As if you can do too many timelapses! Clearly, the others were overreacting 😉
Is the rehabilitation program still open for registration…?
haha this is certainly one of a kind clip ! first thin in the morning … got me a grin the whole day … good job playing an addict 😉 well done … all of you
Very funny, was chuckling all the way through. I am sure the TV stations will want a more positive ending though. How about “Philip is on the long road to recovery. He says he is having to live his life one frame at a time.”
Brilliant 🙂
Hilarious, I can see my own progression into the madness of timelapse, although I really tell myself – its only a hobby!!!
Pure genius! Hilarious! Still laughing… I think it started with “Lake MITCHagain”
Bloody brilliant. It was disturbing but I can’t help but wanting to become just like you, Phil. Good and bad alike. lol
Fantastic guys. Y’all a bunch of funny nutters!
Brilliant! wasn’t expecting that.
That’s some funny stuff Mr.Bloom you should do more of this shorts. Keep up the good work.
GOD Bless
Timelapse of a timelapse.
Best line Ever!
Top film guys, or should I say top video with filmic look?
Philip the Addict.. I loved it!
No offence Philip *grin*
Haha this was too much fun! Glad everyone enjoyed it. Thanks for having a good enough sense of humor to poke fun at yourself Phil!
mate, that was real.
May the Lapse be with you.
Could’ve been an intervention based on hat choices too.
Thanks for the helpful video. My eleven year old son is showing early signs of TLS.
very touching.. I almost cried, as I was setting up my intervelometer.
Only just found this on your site Phil, putting the timelapse issue to one side for a second, I’d like to ask what it is you about to watch on Pay Per View on the TV in your room? 🙂
this is a family website…i cannot say
Hello Philip, I’m a fan of your site and I follow everything about HDDSLRs.
Have you seen this already? I’m surprised it’s not mentioned on your site (or did I miss it?)
“Capture 720P HD With Any LiveView Capable Canon Camera”
what do you think about this? Is this actually good quality?
I hope you find this interesting
Very funny Philip!
made my day, thanks! 🙂