SXSW HD-DSLR presentation and FCPUG and DVINFO meet ups in Austin.



GREAT stuff happening in Austin, Texas this weekend and Monday. I am in town to speak about HD-DSLRs at the Film Festival. Details for that presentation are here.

There are also two fantastic meet-ups this weekend at Austin during the SXSW film festival. The first one is the DVINO.NET meet up at 8pm at Clive bar, a new bar that looks very cool. Details on that including where exactly it is are found here. It’s free entry. First drink is on DVinfo and there will be some goodies to give away.

The next night after staying in bed all day nursing the mother of all hangovers I will be at the FCPUG super meet up at Maggie Mae’s from 6pm. Free entry to all SXSW badge holders or just $5 to non badge holders. Free food and one free drink, there will also be loads of cocktails available at the bar at my insistence and as usual with FCPUG 2 free raffle tickets and an incredible array of prizes as usual. I promise not to win any this time like I did in London!!  There will be an open screen theatre where you can get your work shown too! Details for this event are here!



  1. Looking forward to the meet & greets and Monday’s panel! I will force myself to wake up for this one – it’s a can’t miss. Cheers

  2. Man, I’m going to be in Austin this Friday night, but I have a prior engagement. I’d really like to meet you. Maybe we’ll bump into each other on the street on Saturday? Enjoy Austin and the festival – it’s a great city!

  3. Sorry Philip we did not make it. We drive 10 hours to Austin but guy at door of Maggi’s did not alowed us to enter because our 12 year old son was with us. I wish people warn us before we bought tickets. But may be some other time. I will wait for video how it was there if you will make any.

  4. I was so upset I wouldn’t be able to see you at SXSW. I had a film in the Texas High School Shorts program and filmed it with my Canon Rebel T1i DSLR! It’s on Vimeo. I was in Ireland at the time, but guess what!? I saw you doing an interview on TV there in one of the Dingle Pubs! It was sooo cool.
    – John

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