Upcoming Australian DSLR Workshops

I am currently working with RODE Microphones on bringing my DSLR workshops to Australia. So we have the best info on where and what you want from these workshops please write your comments below. We are looking at end of Jan/ beginning of Feb 2011 for these. The more info you put down and the more interest there is the more chance it will happen!!

Thanks and see you down under! It’s the number one on my list of countries to visit. Once I have done the workshops I plan to say on for 2 or 3 week and just explore!!


  1. Please make Adelaide part of your Aussie tour. Adelaide Cinematographers have well & truly embraced HDSLR shooting & therefore have turned out in numbers whenever there’s a trade night or seminar. You’d get good numbers for sure. And we have a wicked outback here in South Australia!!

  2. You gotta make it to perth Mr bloom! There’s not a lot of high end productions going on here so there’s a lot of passion for the dslrs! I know a lot of people that would be interested. I’d like to see the best post processes you use, best rigs and that new zacuto evf in action. Plus wa has some great scenery n beaches down the coast!

  3. Philip, you must make time to include Melbourne as part of your tour. You will be welcomed with open arms to a most hospitable multi cultural city known for its food, fashion and arts. If you can include Melbourne in your schedule, you will be guaranteed a very receptive audience of cinematographers.

  4. Hi Philip,

    it was your very words that convinced me to purchase the Canon 7D. Prior to reading your stuff, i had never given photography/videography much of a thought however, when i watched one of your movies (Dublin’s People) i was moved by what i saw.

    I have only just joined the HDSL movement, but i am 100% going to embrace it. It would be amazing if you could come to Perth and show us your amazing skills in person!


  5. Hi Phillip,

    I would love to see you in Canberra if that is part of your plan.

    I don’t have a DSLR yet as I am waiting on a full frame Nikon camera with full HD video. I have some nice lens’ that I don’t want to waste.

    Look forward to seeing you!


  6. Hi Philip,

    Do make a chance to come to Melbourne. It is by far the artistic capital of the world. Other states and cities deny it, but just check out Melbourne events to find out. Anyways, my point is, you’ll get a huge turnout here, with the number of people using DSLRs nowadays.

    I would also request you (if you do come to Melbourne) to have the event on a weekend, as some of my friends and I are all going to be in out final year of schooling, and are all DSLR users.

    Looking forward to your visit!

  7. Will be there! I’m on the Gold Coast, but would go to Brisbane, even possibly Sydney. I know a bunch of people who’d attend for sure. If you were selling gear I’d probably buy some too.

  8. I’d love to see you come to Sydney. I use a 5DmkII and my friend purchased a 7D after I introduced her to your work. I’m more than happy to show you around Sydney for a day, so many spectacular locations. Definitely one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

  9. I am based in Adelaide Australia and we had a booked out ACS night 2 months ago on DSLR cameras so If you came here when you do your Australian tour it would almost definitely be filled with enthusiasts!!

  10. Hey Phil. Get all your business done and dusted on the East coast of Oz where all the population is and then come on over to the West where all the good stuff is to photograph minus the crowds. Bloody hot in February though.

    If you like wine then the Margaret River wine region is a must. Not to mention the Kimberley, Pilbara, the South Coast with the best beaches in the world. We are all really friendly and don’t bite, (unless you provoke us) LOL!!

    Cheers mate


  11. It’d be great If you came to Brisbane and there are so many people in this city that are so enthusiastic about your visit. Can’t wait!

  12. Hey Philip,
    Love your work and would really love for you to come to Australia, we do the workshop and you capture this great country of ours. We have been waiting and waiting for the Red Scarlet to appear and have decided to bite the bullet and buy the Canon Mark II for the interim so desperately need your knowledge! Its such a new tech world out there from vid to cam. Please email me on your dates. Located Gold Coast, Queensland.

  13. Ok now that I have seen all the other comments, I thought it best to promote my city. Gold Coast and its surrounds are the surfing capital of Australia, cuddled by picturesque hinterlands. Located 45 minutes North is a beautiful city standing around the gorgeous bends of the Brisbane river. Further a field are the Glass House Mountains ‘Steve Irwin’ territory, Fraser Island the longest sand island in the world. Great Barrier Reef enticing you to the Tropical North. Yes Queensland has it all and Gold Coast or Brisbane would be a great destination to have your workshop then jump in a four wheel drive and discover the beauty of Aus!

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