Someone’s not happy about the release of the Canon 7d!

We’ve all seen them on youtube. Using the brilliant film 2004 film “Downfall” as it’s base, people have stuck all sorts of fun subtitles on mocking everything from XBOX live, the death of Michael Jackson or the new Avatar movie. So I decided it was time to do my own little one about something very close to my heart!

Just a word of warning. There is the odd F word in there, so don’t watch if easily offended! Sorry about the odd typo in there…



  1. I think it’s funny that almost everyone who watches this will have no idea what’s going on. But I was gasping for air I was laughing so hard.

    I’m sticking with my HVX and Letus 😉

  2. my dear God….i’ve never laughed harder. who would have known that hitler and myself could connect on so many levels. i identified with each tragic detail.

    i even felt complete empathy when he sat and tried to convince himself that there’s no way that Canon would leave the 5d owners out in the cold without a firmware release….

    mr. bloom – you’ve made my day! incredible work!!!

  3. I thought that guy died in a french cinema? Or was it just a look-alike? But in the deepest of our souls we all are like him. I said exactly the same words just three hours ago…

  4. Haha! Watched this on my iPhone while in bed trying to stay quiet while my wife sleeps, I started laughing out loud! I couldn’t hold it in! Thanks Philip!

  5. I laughed out loud at this until I realised there was absolutely no-one I could show this to who would realise why it was so funny. They would have more chance of understanding the German!

      1. My mate laughed and I only had to coach him on codecs, cameras and firmware for about 10mins first. What really helped him though was knowing I owned a 5D Mark II 🙁

    1. Oh Man, I’m right there with you guys. I played this for both my Production Company Partners (the Writer & the gorgeous Actress… typical, I know) and they both just looked at me like I had two heads or something. Obviously i’m the Director/Editor/Geek of the group.

      I didn’t care though… I was still laughing out loud. GREAT JOB!!!

  6. A fascinating insight of life in ‘Bloom’s Bunker” as he waits for all of those Fed Ex review parcels to arrive.

    I too cried with laughter and then cried even harder when I realized that to share the joke with anyone else meant admitting to being an anorak 🙁 (I think I will keep this to myself)

    Look forward to reading your review on the 7D.

    Best wishes for the Dublin weekend

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