My favourite films on Vimeo

Quick reminder that you are running out of time to enter the VIMEO Awards. I am judging lyrical, which is time lapses and beautiful films. Please enter as you never know…you may win! There are loads of other categories and you have just ten days left to enter. Anything that premiered online between July 21st 2010 and Feb 20th this year qualifies, and of course it needs to be on Vimeo. More details here.

Back to the main topic of this post…I WISH I had started this a long time ago rather than back tracking, which is what I am doing now, to find my favourite videos on Vimeo and collect them in a channel. But, better late than never. So I have started a collection of some of my favourite work from some amazing filmmakers on Vimeo.

The channel is quite eclectic. Narrative, music video, timelapse, animation. You name it, it’s there. But I need your help to find the stuff I am missing from the back catalogues. I will be going through the old Critics episodes to help myself along, but if you can remind me of some of the best stuff you have seen, please post it in the comments below. Be great if you could post other people’s work rather than your own, which I am sure is great too (maybe get someone else to nominate it), let me know what it is and why I should check it out please! I want to make this one of the best channels out there and perfect for couch mode on Vimeo or watching it on internet TV!

The channel is here.



  1. nuit blanche i think is the most amazing short that i have ever seen, i think it changed my life the first time i ever saw it, definitely moved me to hair-standing-on-end-tears-of-revelation, good first choice.

  2. Despite having a pretty descent broadband connection, my MacBook Pro seems to have lots of trouble using Vimeo to the point that I don’t waste my time anymore…

  3. Ok, I admit he’s a friend of mine, but he (the director/DOP/operator) made great work with 5D and a very cheap Canon 50mm f1.8. He was just alone on the shooting, and he used only natural light. He also used Technicolor cinestyle and Magic Bullet Looks.

    1. Two friendly Ghosts:

      “The short movie “Two Friendly Ghosts” tells the story about James Dean meeting Donald Turnupseed for the second time – 56 years after their tragic car accident, at the very same intersection – now they have time to talk. “

  4. My favourite video on Vimeo is Last Minutes with Oden. I havnt been moved by anything anywhere near as much.
    Last Minutes with Oden –

    Benedict Campbell’s stuff is great…
    The Wall of Death –

    All the HBTV Depth of Speed series are great…
    The Bond –

    Theres lots of pretty pictures of pretty places on Vimeo but this one works well weaving the imagery together with the narration for something more orginal…
    A Story For Tomorrow –

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