Grow a ‘tache for Movember and raise some money for The Prostate Cancer Charity…includes my first Canon 60D film.

Logo by Kris Halverson

My dad had a moustache for most of my childhood. These days he has gone Euro-villain and has a goatee, but for me a ‘tache always reminds me of my dad. When I shaved my beard off last year I left a ‘tache to see what I looked like and found myself staring at my dad in the mirror. SCARY! I shaved it off 30 seconds later!

To cut a long story short, it’s Movember time again and if you don’t know what that is it’s when men (and oddly women) grow a moustache during the month of November to support The Prostate Cancer Charity. A very worthy cause as my beloved Grandfather Daniel died from it back in 2001.

So, despite the worry that I will end up looking like Ron Jeremy or Ron Burgandy for a whole month I am going to grow a ‘tache for charity and encourage as many of you as possible to do the same!! I have started a team on the official website, so please sign up and join this important cause! Let’s have the biggest and best team of the lot!! Even if you are a woman, join up…be creative! If you don’t want to or can’t grow one then please sponsor us!

To add some fun to this I will be taking photos and video of myself every day, to make a film of my ‘tache growing and you should all do something creative too! Let us completely overwhelm them with epic films of our moustaches!! No prize for best video, just the satisfaction of helping a good cause and having some fun at it. Despite the fact you could well look totally ridiculous for a whole month, which I certainly will! Any chance of a any female finding me slightly attractive over the next month is a big no no! 😉

I have been asked to make 2 videos a week documenting this for Bravo TV in the UK. I want to include your footage too so PLEASE sign up and film yourselves! Below is the link to what I have made so far, simply click on the image…

Check out my series of films to be shown on Bravo in the UK for "Movember"@

My goal is to £10,000 for the Prostate Cancer Charity. I am sure if everyone who reads this donates a small amount or better still joins and donates then we can easily do it!


OH and join the Buddypress Movember group here!!

Here is me with a moustache thanks to iphone app ‘stachetastic!


  1. I always feel left out during these things… When’s the “show the beard you already have that you don’t want to shave just to regrow for a month” contest start?

    When’s my time?

  2. @Joey.. Cool trailer of Beardo. Very nicely done!

    But I think it will not be possible to achieve that kind of lengths in just Movember, though.

    @Philip… Why don’t you make a ‘montache’ of all participants from team Bloomtache ?

    Everybody just sends in a short (few second) clip of their attempt to grow a mustache – or maybe a ‘before/growth-in-progress/after’ clip to you and then you can make a nice montage of it. (graded etc).

    Of course shot in a ‘film-look’ way…

    Wouldn’t this be a nice support for the project?

    It’s just an idea…

  3. Hmmm… growing a ‘tache…

    Tried it before in my life but after a week I really need it off of my face. So participating in this for a full month would be a little trip to personal hygiene hell for me. So let me think about it.

    Come December, should we all have a meet-up and jointly shave it back off again?

  4. Okay, enough convincing – I’m in! Coming Sunday will be my last clean shave for the coming month…

    But, wait, I have an important shoot around mid-November… and it’s my birthday on the 15th … what will people think by then? Will my beloved ones still want to kiss me?

    Analysis-paralysis … screw-it-let’s-do-it.

  5. not sure about how I can grow a stache… but we will see about that… I am totally bloomed currently… (I hope this has no meaning in English LOL)… that video gave me an idea for another video, crazy….

    Confused is the team name tache or tasche (which means bag in german)…


  6. Stuart Morgan (Bluefin Media), all Signed up.
    My attempt at a mo will no doubt be laughable and will undoubtably end in
    A) me looking stupid, B) sport a patchy ill thought out mo, lacking in anything cool or chic, C) a rash.

    The wife has refused to be seen out in public with me in Nov, so there is always the upside.

    I have also realised that I will be appearing with a partial mo as a interviewee on Part 3 of a DVD shoot on Nov 9th, Parts 1&2 of course were “mo less”.
    I am also filming on stage “mickey mouse switching on Swindon’s christmas lights” in front of 10,000 people and TV cameras on the 18th!

    Did I think this through?

    Do we start with a clean shave pic tomorrow?

    Good luck fellow Mo grows

  7. Voilà Philip… C’est fait.
    Vous m’avez convaincu et je fais maintenant partie de la team “Bloom ‘Tasche”.
    Ce n’est pas un don énorme, mais j’espère que d’autres se joindrons à nous.
    Bravo pour tous vos films et votre motivation… et un grand bravo à Angeline Gragasin pour ses vidéos.
    À bientôt…

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