Movember is over. Thanks so much to everyone…but you can still donate!

It has been an epic month of filmmaking from my team. They have made such a great job with their films. Not just the men but the women too. In fact some of the best films have been made by the female members of my team. Check out my previous blogs, here, here , here and here and check out the vimeo channel for some ASTONISHING CREATIVITY!! Too many people to single out but the girls work has been so cool! Sara Parker’s Movember Girls has been amazing, Debs Anne’s work too and Angeline Gragasin’s films…

We are SO close to the goal of £10,000 for the Prostate Cancer Charity. If you can find a little bit more to give then that would be amazing!

Here is my last film for Movember and the previous ones too! He has been a lot of fun and for such a great cause. Thanks so much to all my team members and to you for donating! These videos are shot with the Gh2, Canon S95 and Canon 60D.

NO MORE MO!! from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

GH2: Movember Gala Party from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Movember Video Blog 2: Canada and Japan from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Movember Film 3: Let’s get kinky! from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Movember Video Blog 1 from Philip Bloom extras on Vimeo.

Movember 2 from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Movember: Team Bloom ‘Tache from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.


  1. I really think Mo-vember is brills! And it’s funny cos you do start noticing guys with moustaches..I even went to Royal Marine Homecoming parade and noticed that at least half dozen were sporting moustaches (they aren’tallowed normally) so big-up even reaches Afghanistan!! All in a great cause and something for the guys to get all cuddly about..roll on next year!

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