The last episode of CRITICS…EVER :(

It’s been a fun 2 and  a half years but the networks cancelled us for a new Kardashian show…Enjoy the last one EVER!!!

Am now going into 7 days of mourning…


  1. Too sad.
    Would love to see more.

    Hi Philip,
    first clip shot by eastern european? May be that’s why it’s angry. Freedom of speech was, is and will be f…ed up. There are still people dying for this freedom in post Soviet region. There are still people being locked up. Not like in cosy western world. Long story.

    Fourth movie was shot in Ireland on the Atlantic cost near Cliffs of Moher.
    Street view is available on:,-9.428501

    Thanks for all the episodes.

  2. It’s sad to see Critics go. It was a wonderful web series. You and Steve did a great job of bringing some quality, and not so quality, work to the forefront of what’s going on the independent film circles.

    I appreciate you and Steve taking the time to do it. It will be missed.

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