I first announced this about 2 weeks ago. But now I have got a sponsor I wanted to re-announce it!
It’s a narrative film competition shot ENTIRELY on the iphone 3Gs. Yes it may sound like a gimmicky competition and to be honest it is a little, but I want to promote a serious point with this. I want to remind people that content is king and you don’t have to have a RED camera and a budget of thousands to shoot an entertaining, deep, scary or whatever film…it’s how you use that camera and the script/ story.
Please watch my little video below that introduces the competition. It is a little silly but this competition is REAL!!
ZGrip iPhone from Steve Weiss, Zacuto USA on Vimeo.
Zacuto have very generously stepped up to become main sponsors of the competition and will be giving the ZGrip iPhone to the winner. I am also looking hard for other prizes too! Many people thought this product was a spoof, but it isn’t it’s real and makes a huge difference to getting steady wobble free shots with the iphone and you can win one right here!
Methods of judging to be announced soon. It may be a panel but most likely will be public voting…I will enter myself but just for fun, not in competition, just to join in with the fun!
Very simple rules. Shoot ONLY on the new iPhone 3gs. Make as long or as short as you want, but don’t forget we all have VERY short attention spans. It can be one continuous take or edited. Pg13 content only 😉 Oh and it needs to be follow thses rule, and that rule is to make the most out of the small form factor. It needs to be utterly guerilla, I want to see you make the most out of filming in places you really shouldn’t film in and couldn’t film in with a proper camera. It can be any genre…So get out there and impress us!
This isn’t Bloomfest 4. That will launch right after this. This is just an appetizer and a bit of fun! OH and if anyone fancies doing me better vimeo logos YES PLEASE, I suck at photoshop!
Now to get inspired watch this music video shot on the iphone and the making of…
Music Video Shot on iPhone from Kenny Mosher on Vimeo.
Behind the Scenes of “Play” from Kenny Mosher on Vimeo.
Want to learn how to create the film look? Click below.
I will be entering. Writing a script tonight. Super short and sweet, just to the point.
This is nuts but so crazy good at the same time.
Why only iphones? I mean there are alot of phones out there that can record video.
simply so everyone is on the same level playing ground.
What’s next Steve? You gonna try to sell water to a well? Please…Someone tell Steve Weiss to submit his Zgrip video to Saturday Night Live. That was sooooo funny…and insane. “You can go around items, around people…”
I’ve been laughing at this comment for the last 10 minutes..Hilarious
it’s genius!!
There are already some guys who shot a music video on the iPhone, and they filmed the Making-Of with the Canon 5Dmk2!
These guys know how to set their priorities 😀
iPhone music video:
anyone knowsd what step ring should I use to rig a mini35 to an iphone3G-s ??
yep but you need to use superglue to make it work.
9mm to 72mm step up ring…
Great video – “Play”;)The guys are total pros;)Really enjoyed the “Behind the scenes” footage;)Keep it up guys! There’re no iPhones 3Gs in Bulgaria yet…it’s too bad couse I’d really wanted to join the competition;)Next time may be:)Luck to every1;)
Hi Phil,
I own a company that makes lighting tips and trick cards. I’d be happy to send a set as a prize to a iPhone film maker of your choice. You can see more about them at http://tradesecretcards.com
They are aimed at still photographers, but the info would work equally well for indie film makers.
Email me. I own a company that would be happy to supply a prize for your iPhone film contest.