Ethics statement: Zacuto are long time friends and supporters of my website. I also have an affiliate with them, which means that when you buy something from them via my link, I get a small percentage from them at no cost to you. I only have affiliates and ads from companies whose gear I use and recommend. This helps to keep my website going. For more on my ethics click here.
This is a fantastic thing to do, and two of my favourite things: get a fantastic new piece of gear and also be fantastically creative! Those lovely Chicago-based people Zacuto make some of the best camera accessories in the world. Their Gratical and Gratical Eye EVF are the best EVFs I have used. They are quite exceptional. You can read my review of the original Gratical here and the Eye here.
What makes this EVF so special is the pin-sharp image and rich features. The original Gratical HD is for SDI and HDMI and is powered via external power or a Canon 5D II battery. The Eye is much smaller, is SDI only, and requires external power. You can see the eye below on my Sony FS5 powered via D-TAP out on my BP battery.
The micro-oled display has a clear 16:9 top part and bottom part for scopes, so you can keep your image lovely and clear.
Feature-wise, it is incredibly rich, as you can see below.
The cost of the Gratical eye is $1950, which is not so bad when you compare it to the cost of the new Canon C700 EVF ($6000), and Sony’s F55 one ($5000), both of which only work with their respective cameras. The Eye will work with any camera with an SDI out, the Gratical X and HD with any camera with HDMI or SDI out.
The theme of your film you need to make is “The Eye”, and the duration is to be no more than 60 seconds, it can be less. It can be any genre, fiction, documentary, animation etc, but it needs to have an obvious connection to the theme. If you have to explain the connection in your description because I can’t work it out then that is not good!
3 years ago I did an extremely literal film about the human eye, which you can see below…so that idea is out the window (unless of course you can do something better which I am sure someone can!)
4K: 576 Megapixels from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
Once you have made the film, upload it to Vimeo and then you need to join this group and add the video. I will manually approve it, as too many people just add anything to groups whether connected or not. You need to have “Gratical Eye Film Competition” in the title please, as it will make my life easier! You can simplify the title after the competition has ended of course! If you could also tag “graticaleye” (one word) in the tag section of your description that will help too!
The films will be judged by myself and some guest judges, and there are 3 prizes.
1st prize is….unsurprisingly a brand new GRATICAL EYE!
2nd $750 store credit
3rd prize $500 store credit
You will need to upload your video to the Vimeo group by 23:59 BST on the 30th of September. That means you have a whole month to make this!! This is a global competition, so it doesn’t matter where you live!
Good luck, I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
You can find out more about the eye and order one by clicking below