My first time shooting with the EPIC. I had just downloaded the new firmware which upped the FPS from 120 to 300 FPS albeit at a drop in resolution to 2K.
Not knowing the camera at all, with a little shoot coming up I wanted to test it out and get my head around the camera and workflow whilst I was at the Kessler Crane HQ. I had to shoot something to test it out so thought to myself “Why not throw loads of water at my mate Eric Kessler?”. So I did and here it is. Nothing original, but I have never done it and have never shot anything over 60 FPS before so a real treat for me, especially as Eric was the victim! ?
All shot with Zeiss CP.2 35mm.
Music Wigwam by Bob Dylan
More info on my site
Thanks to Eric, RED, Sarah, Chris, Theresa, Kessler Crane, Michael Sutton of Boston RULE camera, Wooden Camera.