It’s here finally!
I think I sound kinda drunk in this? Not sure what they have done to the audio!! Enjoy!
It’s here finally!
I think I sound kinda drunk in this? Not sure what they have done to the audio!! Enjoy!
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No violation of personal space what so ever!
0:55 + 1:11 “Oh Yeah!”
“he touched me here, here and here”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Steve would be the first to admit that his dick level is huge.
he believes he has a huge dick i believe 🙂
Thank you Doug
So how MANY pints did you put away before you hit the set? 😉
Love it. You sure you didn’t have a few before the filmming Phil? 😉
before during and after!
“make me look sexy Daniel Skubal” Hahahhahaha
he failed
Why are your coffee cups so small??
Great to see this back though.
This is amazing! Thank you guys for taking the time out of your busy schedules to critique films made from all sorts of ages, backgrounds, ethnicity. I truly enjoyed watching this! Thanks philip
Thanks for having “The Hard Road” on the show. I appreciated the feedback.
You are welcome Charles. Hope we were constructive and not too harsh. We just wanted more!!
No prob. It was made for the Vimeo Contest and could only be 4 minutes long, so that’s why it was so rushed. After the contest was over, I moved to Florida so filming more was out of the question. It was great to get some unbiased feedback!
This is a learning process Charles. Every time I make a project and I’ve made over 600 I learn something. This time I learned that my baby bro Phil shouldn’t drink so much. 😉
Loved the short by Rocha. But am having a hard time figuring out what is being said in the very last line, by the guy in a green shirt. Can’t even understand it with my studio monitors.
“we need a rewrite”
i teach digital film production at a high school and would love to use your critique of Vicky and Sam as a teaching tool, but too many s and f bombs. i like to cuss just as much as the next guy, but it really takes away from the value of your show. Zacuto and Bloom are helping us inspire the next generation of filmmakers, but please leave out the salty language so we can share your talent and passion with the kids.
can you post it on other hosting or give a direct download link? because it’s another episode i have problem with. it stops after couple of minutes and won’t starts again. thx in advance;)
afraid i cant. that is up to Zacuto
Thanks for the new episode. You guys should consider reviewing this video. – I recently saw a screening of it and the footage is amazing.
Bloomin bloom
great show!!
Brilliant series. Am fanatically watching it! Where can we submit our videos?
we have finished filming season 3…when we do season 4 will be on this blog
I only heard one f-bomb for as far as I can remember, so nothing to worry about. 😉
You kids have too much fun..
I dont agree about your comments on the first film, “look at me!”. I think this was a great short film, and a love how it tries to conveiy the personalety off a TV, and what a TV shows all in all are trying to tell us. Very original. But yeah, u woudnt watch this many times.
LOL at 0:55 did you said lovely “szmata?” :))))))
In poland it means rug :)))
sorry had to write it 😀
Television- great concept, and true. TV wants to be watched so you’ll buy all the things advertised on it and be happy! Tighten it by :20?
Hard Road- lead character could have been fleshed out a bit more in the middle, though that would have put it over 4 minutes. The character didn’t feel gritty enough.
Vicky and Sam- plot reminds me of old Twilight Zone episode where a writer keeps rewriting a scene and the characters keep reliving a moment as it gets written over and over.
Great execution, acting, photography.
Philip Bloom- Oscar for Best Actor in a Web Series for his straight faced performance, totally convincing audience member Steve Weiss he hated the film.
Thought Vicky and Sam was beautifully shot and was very much to “feature” standard in that respect; love the opening sequence. Acting was good, all except the very dodgy Scottish accent!!! (Wondering what Den Lennie would think Phil?) What was the significance to the plot that the character was Scottish anyway?
I couldn’t understand the creaming over the narrative, If I was to be hyper critical I’d say the narrative was unoriginal and a bit predictable IMHO, not a criticism of Nuno as I’m a big fan, more surprise at the awe expressed in the studio.