Canon 5dmkII 24/25p workflow presentation from London Final Cut Pro User Group Supermeet 2009

A lot of this presentation has changed as I have since refined and tweaked my thoughts on it, but a lot of the information is still valid. The presentation was squeezed into 15 minutes to so it is a bit rushed. Any questions just ask. But most of this is still the same.

I am doing new tutorials of workflow soon for this, but as am currently shooting in India it won’t be until I get back!


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  1. I love how as a filmmaker it’s acceptable to just throw on the blazer and we’re instantly dressed up. Thanks for the video BTW.

  2. Hi Philip

    Thanks for putting this information online.

    But i have to ask, how would you edit a two camera shoot, featuring one 5D plus one 25P camera? And the final output would be a 25P Pal sequence?

    convert all the rushes and work on a 25P timeline?

    Thanks again for your advice, I know your a very busy man.


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