Calgary meet up on Monday. Venue confirmed.

Yes I know last minutes, sorry. But if anyone is interested in a low key Calgary meet up on Monday, itt will be at Original Joe’s in Kensington. Have some food and get drunk with me, bring your camera, I will!

I am in town to do two workshop for Vistek on the Tuesday and Wednesday before heading to Toronto, Ottawa and then home.

Let me know if you are coming. I will be there from 7pm (ish, knowing me!)


  1. Hi Philip, I am registered in your workshop on Tuesday. Would love to get together on Monday if you are available. Please let me know where and when. BTW am available to drive you around the city if you need transport.

    I look forward to meeting you in person!

  2. Yes! a Calgary meet up would be great. I wasnt able to get a spot in the workshop so it would be great if i could still meet you. any chance it could be somewhere where all ages are allowed? i am only 17.

      1. Had one but lost it a couple weeks ago. Oh well, at least I got a good laugh out of imagining you saying “fake id McLovin?” with your accent. Hope your enjoying Calgary.

  3. I’ll likely come as well… although I don’t actually own a newer DSLR yet
    – I’m still using my Ex-3 and Letus rig. I imagine I’ll own one about an hour after the workshop on Wednesday though. Looking forward to it.

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