2010 HD-DSLR workshops

I get asked a lot to do these and so far have only done a couple as shooting has got in the way, but I want to do a lot more this year, so it would be great to gauge the interest in doing them and where people would like me to do them. I love to travel and meet new people and this is the best way. I even enjoy the teaching!!

If you are interested in partnering me on one please email me. I will be looking for local companies for each city to partner me and or sponsors.

Below is a poll of cities that I have been asked to do some in already. If I have missed a city you want me in please let me know and I will add it!

I am most likely going to be doing workshops in LA, NY and Boston in March and also a speaking engagement at SxSW on March 16th in Austin with Barry Green and The Bui Brothers on HD-DSLRs and would like to do a workshop a few days before hand there as I will be in town. I will also try and come to NAB this year.

Please also let me know what you want to see from these workshops by going to this post…



[poll id=”9″]

See you in 2010 hopefully!


  1. Phil finally coming to the greatest city on Earth?! (NYC for those who possibly don’t know) BLASPHEMY! I was starting to think you were afraid of us here in NYC.

  2. Phil, you forgot to include Lodz instead of Warsaw on the list. This is a much more important city to cinematographers in Poland than Warsaw 😉 Just google Camerimage 😉

  3. Hey Philip!
    I was really looking foreward to see you somewhere in central europe, so i voted for berlin.
    But You said that you were looking foreward to find some partners in the different cities. So if you are planning to do something in germany, try to do it in munich. Munich is known as the “Media-Capital” of germany. Many many companies of the tv and film business have theire base there.

    If you wont get the possibility to do a workshop here, i’ll try to join one of your workshops in London!


  4. I’d love to see you in Salt Lake or Las Vegas. Perhaps during Sundance/Slamdance or at NAB.

    The magazine I intern for, FilmUtah, is always giving training seminars and such. I’m usually the event videographer. They may be interested in hosting the event.

  5. Awesome idea, would love to have you down in Sydney – but if not I travel to the US now and then so will definitely hit up either an LA or NYC workshop – keep us posted!



  6. Hi Philip,

    Personally I would like to and would travel to most any European city for one of your workshops, and dates depending I would consider going to one of the more visual cities I know but have never been to such as Hong Kong (would be fantastic to find some of the locations where Christopher Doyle has done his work!).

    But what I would really like for you is to come to Oslo and do a workshop here in conjunction with the Digital Storytelling event (April or possibly later in the year) in co-operation with the Norwegian Filminstitute; I am sending you a PM.

    Cheers, Kim

  7. Voting for Cologne, Germany. Located more in the middle of Germany than Munich, and far more media here. Would surely be attractive to Netherlands and Belgium as well…

  8. Would love to see you in Boise, but Salt Lake City, UT is only a 5 hour drive. Based on the temperature outside, San Diego sounds nice too.

    Looking forward to attending a workshop wherever you can get to in the Western U.S.

  9. Hola Felipe. Me gustaría que te des una vuelta por Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Un país políticamente incorrecto, pero con mucha adrenalina en sus calles.
    Un recorrido de imagenes por la noche porteña, su música el Tango su gente.Parte de nuestra historia es también tu historia. Las invasiones Inglesas, guerra de Islas Malvina, la mano de Maradona mundial 86. Escuchastes a Astor Piazzolla.

  10. hey phil,

    I’m real excited you’re going to both NYC and Boston. You’ve really inspired me, and having just bought a 7d a lecture would be AWESOME. I look forward to meeting you!


  11. Phil,
    Hey I’d love see you in Waco Tx (about an hour away from Austin) I’m a student at Baylor University and I have spoken with my department head and the film school here would love to get you here! Not sure how all this works, but please email if its a possibility.


  12. Hi Philip, as long as you come to the Netherlands it’s great with me. Amsterdam or The Hague, or maybe a central city like Utrecht..?
    Only don’t come here too soon, I’m still waiting on Nikon to come out with the D700’s successor which I assume will have video-capabilities…

  13. Hey Phil, if you’re looking at India, Goa is a great place for a workshop. A former Portuguese colony, it’s a tourist destination, with beaches, churches and hinterlands. Would be easy to get people to come from other cities in India for a workshop, since they’d combine it with a holiday.
    I’m in Goa and any help required, I’d be more than happy to offer.

  14. Hey!
    Live in Malmö, Sweden.
    Theres a big Eu-comissioned Company started here:
    “Moving Media Southern Sweden (MMSS) is the country’s largest investment in mobile images and new media. Its vision is to become one of the world’s leading environments for innovation and creative entrepreneurship within new media and entertainment software.”

    Maybe they are interested to partner with you!
    Contact here: http://www.movingmediasouth.se/kontakt/

    Or I’ll just go to Copenhagen 🙂
    BR Jens Fleron

  15. Well it seems that Moscow is sizing up to be the city with the most votes 😉 So if you so happen to need an translator look no further. And all i would need is a way to get there. 😀 (Canadian folk i am)

    🙂 just throwing it out there.

  16. Hi Phil, I think many of us would actually travel to see YOU. Is there a way to post a calendar with your evolving schedule (along with specific events you’re attending)? Otherwise, details on NYC and Boston?

  17. Yes! Amsterdam is still in the top ranking, I’ll be there for sure when you come to my hometown. If you need any help for a travel to Amsterdam let me know. I know the hotspots, cool unknown places etc. I can also try to bring you in contact with de community.

  18. coughDETROITcough We have nothing else going on around this area. Plus with some of the film industry starting to move Michigan. I think it would be worth while IMO. Thanks


  19. Come to Amsterdam!!
    I just bought the new Canon 550D/T2i yesterday (with the kit lens) and want to learn how to maximize it’s potential. I’m a novice and want to learn from “THE” pro!…I’ll throw in a free golf lesson if you come 🙂

    …Oh, and what lens do you recommend for my 1st purchase for good looking HD video? (preferably an all purpose lens that I can also use for stills).

    I’ve been looking at:
    $600 Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
    $700 Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM (I want the IS version but its $1300! Worth it??)
    or should I be looking more at:
    $300 Canon EF 35mm f/2
    $450 Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM

    Or anything else you recommend. You ARE the man after all.

    Thanks Philip, you’re videos rock!

      1. Thanks! This seems like a much better lens then what I was looking at.
        I’m going to buy it through your link but before I do, should I consider the Canon 50mm f1.4 or stick with the Sigma 30mm f1.4?

        I’m already getting addicted to DSLR filming and I’ve only had my 550D for 4 days! I’m also buying a Z-Finder or LCDVF (I think an eye piece is a necessity). When is the Z-Finder JR. coming?

        Thank you for your site and inspiration, it’s filled with extremely valuable knowledge. “We” (the community) can’t thank you enough!


  20. Hi,

    I am desperate for you to come to Detroit.

    My surroundings are nothing but amateur photographers who own “studios” even though they do not deserve to be called so. (They use Sony cameras… SONY!!!)

    The end of 2009, I gave it all I got to get a 7D for my birthday and I successfully did so. So 2010 has been one of the most productive years of my life.

    For the 3 months I’ve been using it I think I’m doing amazingly good.
    I still shoot with the 28-135mm Kit Lens, edit everything in VirtualDub (Open Source) and occasionally I edit in iMovie but export it through QuickTime.

    Come August, I will move to Beijing where I will definitely have unlimited opportunities to work, learn, and develop.

    If you come to Detroit (China Q3 2010 and on) I would be extremely pleased as I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and admiration for your work, skill, and teachings.

    Thank you very much,

    Philip Han

    PS: If you want to see some of my work you can see it here:

    Those are my first videos and I’ve only been shooting for 3 months now and editing with bare minimal software.

  21. Phil,

    I saw you are confirmed to visit NYC at the end of April. Will you do workshop in NYC or just in Boston . I am not able to find any more info.


  22. If Vancouver has 2% Portland has and Seattle has 1%, then I figure the Pacific NW has 3%. What’s your take? Are you headed this way at all?

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