Zacuto FilmFellas: Episode 2

Here is part two of the series I made in Chicago last month with the Zacuto team. I want to dedicate this to my friend Norman Skul who passed away suddenly two days ago and was in the studio whilst this was being filmed.

[vimeo 2831148 640 360]


  1. I’m glad you fellas have had the time to sit down, with cameras, and chat about what it really takes to get into these fields of work. A lot of people do not realize just how much experience and solid reels of work matter in getting more professional work. There are those that DO benefit from film school, but a lot of people really don’t.

    Watch every film you can, READ LOTS OF BOOKS, study, study, study and practice, practice, practice! There’s my advice. Also: make good use of the internet!

    Great podcast, guys!

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